Friday, September 30, 2016

Splendid Sampler - Blocks 61 through 64

Had a bit of difficulty with the lighting on this shot but here are my next four blocks!

Are you sewing along with the Splendid Sampler?  So, so much fun! 

I've created a Pinterest board of my blocks This will be a great way for me to see all of them together!

Here are my next set of blocks.  (Click block name to be taken to the directions and the official linky party) -

The Traveler (61)  -  I enjoy adding a pop of red to any block I can!

Splendid Sampler The Traveler

Hen and Chicks (62) -  Paper pieced block and fun to do.

Splendid Sampler Hen and Chicks

Icing on the Cake (63) -   My favorite kind of cupcake - one with lots of frosting

Splendid Sampler Icing on the Cake

A Rising Star (64) - 

Splendid Sampler Rising Star

Happy Stitching!    

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