Friday, September 16, 2016

Splendid Sampler - blocks 57 through 60

Are you sewing along with the Splendid Sampler?  So, so much fun! 

I've created a Pinterest board of my blocks This will be a great way for me to see all of them together!

Here are my next set of blocks.  (Click block name to be taken to the directions and the official linky party) -


Starting Point (block 57) - Love that fabric with the candy canes!

Splendid Sampler

Homeward Bound (block 58)  - Love a flying geese block.  I could see myself making more of these.

Splendid Sampler block 58

Circle of Friendship (block 59)  -  The pattern called for a piece background but I liked it as a solid.

Splendid Sampler block 59

Hearts and Flowers (block 60) 

Splendid Sampler block 60

Each set of twenty blocks gets a group shot - here are all my blocks to date!!

Blocks 41 through 60

Blocks 21 through 40

Blocks 1 through 20

Happy Stitching!


  1. Love the colors that you are using! :)

  2. Great groups of blocks Patty, this quilt is looking more and more like a Christmas I Spy!

  3. I'm doing this SAL too! So much fun. Love the colors you are using.


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