Monday, December 29, 2014

Grand Illusions clue 5

Clue 5 (link here)  from Bonnie's mystery called Grand Illusions are a couple of easy 4 patches

I am making roughly 25% of the block required - once the mystery is reveled, I'll decide how big I want the quilt to be and then start making more blocks.

Pretty 4 patches from clue 5

Blocks from clue 4

Block from clue 3

Block from clue 2

Block from clue 1

This is my 3rd year making her mystery quilts.  She often speeds up delivery of the clues post Christmas - can't wait to see the big reveal!

I'm linking up here.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Great job -- I am so far behind on this one (still on step 1 actually) but I am really enjoying the journey

  2. Love your color/fabric choices for this!

  3. You have really pretty fabrics in your units!

  4. Love your colour choices. I'm doing the same 25% and then make more when I decide how big I want to make.

  5. Pretty combo, so fun to see others stepping outside the box also.


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