
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Splendid Sampler - blocks 73 through 76

More Splendid Sampler blocks to share!

Are you sewing along with the Splendid Sampler?  So, so much fun! 

I've created a Pinterest board of my blocks This will be a great way for me to see all of them together!

Here are my next set of blocks.  (Click block name to be taken to the directions and the official linky party) -

+ Love (block 73) -  Quick and easy assembly on this block

Button Basket (74) - I didn't bother to add the buttons to the basket handles.  I love this green fabric with the pine cones.

Stitch Crazy (75) - I very much simplified the redwork on this block.  I am thinking of turning this into my quilt label - writing the name of the quilt in the blank space I left.  Putting the block aside in this state for now.

Little Things (76) - A lot of pieces in this blocks but a fun one to put together.

Happy Stitching!

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