Two more Farmer's Wife blocks this week.
Posy (84) - I actually made this block twice. I redrew it in EQ7 myself to avoid any pesky y-seams but then managed to print it at the wrong size - 4 '' block vs 6 ''. I can't truly explain why I did notice this as I was doing the paper piecing. It was a reasonably fast sew so the second block was quick to do.
Primrose (85) - Not sure whether I like the big band of white in the middle or not. But I think it will work just fine in the overall final quilt.
You can see photos of many of my other blocks on this post.
I put together a pinterest board of just my Farmer's Wife blocks so I can get a good look at them all at once. Time to start focusing on the right variety of fabric combinations.
Interested in playing along? These are from the book - Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt and there are two great quilt alongs with plenty of tips and ideas. VeryKerryBerry is doing the blocks in numerical order while Gnome Angel is doing them in order from easiest to hardest.
My fabrics are from Moda Fig Tree. There are so many different versions underway right now - so much inspiration out there!
Happy Stitching!
Wow...4" huh? That's tiny. When I was doing this mine were all printing out small but more like 5 1/4" as my canon printer and windows 7 were disagreeing and that was small enough with so many pieces!! One good thing about windows 10 is that I am back to being able to print correctly. Primrose looks like a good signature block.