
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Splendid Sampler - blocks 37 - 40

Are you sewing along with the Splendid Sampler?  So, so much fun! 

I've created a Pinterest board of my blocks This will be a great way for me to see all of them together!

Here are my next set of blocks.  (Click block name to be taken to the directions and the official linky party) -

Dashing by Chocolate (block 37) - This block has a great name!

Vintage Flower Basket (block 38)

Splendid Sampler Vintage Flower Basket

Balls in the Air (block 39) - this was a lot of work and there is quite a bit of bulk.  Not sure if I'll try to correct the mismatched seams.  They don't look as glaring in person and they do in this photo.

Splendid Sampler Balls in the Air

Flights of Friendship (block 40) - quick and easy one!

Splendid Sampler Flights of Friendship

Here is a group shot of the twenty blocks from 21 through 40

Spelndid Sampler blocks 21 through 40

and blocks 1 through 20

splendid sampler blocks 1 through 20

Happy Stitching!


  1. Beautiful! You like the sew alongs, heh?? I hope you're having a terrific summer.

  2. These are beautiful blocks and I love the fabrics you're using!


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