Friday, April 29, 2016

Farmer's Wife 1930's = Milly (62) & Mollie (63)

I've 63 blocks done of the 99!!! While not quite 2/3's, it is a reason to celebrate so I took out all my blocks for a group photo.

But, before we get there, here are the next two blocks:

Milly (62) - I broke down and purchased more of the dark brown because I am just loving the fabric.

Mollie  (63) - Quite a few small pieces but overall a fun one.

And here are all 63 blocks in all their glory!!   I laid them out in order from 1 to 63 (or at least that was my intent!)

Hard to get a shot of the true color but they look awesome in person.

36 blocks to go!   If I continue my pace of making two per week, that is 18 weeks which will take me into September.  I know I will likely skip a few weeks along the way so I'll target my finish for September 30.

I put together a pinterest board of just my Farmer's Wife blocks so I can get a good look at them all at once.  Time to start focusing on the right variety of fabric combinations.

Interested in playing along?  These are from the book -   Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler Quilt and there are two great quilt alongs with plenty of tips and ideas.  VeryKerryBerry  is doing the blocks in numerical order while Gnome Angel is doing them in order from easiest to hardest.

My fabrics are from Moda Fig Tree.  There are so many different versions underway right now - so much inspiration out there!

Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

  1. They look great Patty - and a neat pic of them all together!


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