
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

More stitching!

I am truly enjoying having a stitching project in the hoop.  Great for relaxing at the end of a day!

I finished my pear which I found on Kathy Schmitz site.  Not yet sure what I am going to do with it quite yet but it was a great project for me.  I've not done much beyond the backstitch so it was a good practice and learning experience.

And would you look at those French knots?  Never could make one until this project. (Ignore the fact that they aren't all the same size!)

With this one done, I started another from Kathy's site - this is a very spring like picture.  I probably need more variety in my pearl cotton stash for the green!  There is a cute little bumble bee on this one!

Happy Stitching!


  1. Look at you, stitching away :) Looks good...yes, it can be addicting!! I got my start back when I did Little Miss Shabby Birdie Stitches much fun!

  2. Your pear came out just lovely. I like the poofiness the batting adds to the design, like a real pear! It would make a great potholder or kitchen decoration, framed by a wooden hoop.

  3. Oh Patty! I love these embroideries!!!


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