
Monday, December 14, 2015


The North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) has two special exhibits right now.  I went to see them one morning last week.

The first is called Codex Leicester written by Leonardo da Vinci.  The Codex is a collection of scientific writings, one of 30 of his scientific journals.   The individual pages were all written in Italian from right to left (to truly read them, you'd hold them up to a mirror).  Each sheet on display was enclosed between two panes of glass.

It was very cool to see.

So, why am I posting this on my quilting blog?  Look what was on display next door.

No, this photo isn't upside down.  See that small sphere in the middle towards the bottom?   It turns it right side up for you.  It is the Mona Lisa - hanging up side down!

So, you are still going why, oh why is she sharing this here.

Look what it is made of!!!!

Here is the attribution -

5,184 spools of thread!!

Who knew!

Happy Stitching!


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