
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Knitting progress

I've been making steady progress on my shawl.  (Link to blog post with information on pattern.)

There are essentially two more rows to do.  Each of the fans section is done as a unit and you need to pick up 50 stitches to start a new one.  I've become a pro at picking up stitches.  One thing I really like is when you make a mistake, sometimes it is easier to just rip out the fan and start again.  (Don't ask me how I know this.)

A bit of a closeup to give an idea what the lace will look like once blocked.

When I was in Seattle, in addition to the couple of quilt stores, I found a yarn store called Churchmouse Yarns & Teas on Bainbridge Island.  Being so proud of myself with the progress I am making on the shawl, I fell in love with this pattern to make a bowl - look carefully in the bottom of pattern photo.  I bought one skein which should be enough to make a middle size bowl.  It was only once I was paying and then really reading the pattern, I realized this was Crochet!!, not knitting.  It is a very simple stitch so I know I am capable but I like knitting so much better.  I decided to buy it anyway.  We'll see how it goes!

Happy Stitching!


  1. That shawl is going to be gorgeous. Love the pattern but I'm a really slow and bad knitter. I, however, like to crochet :)

  2. The shawl is lovely and I wish I could knit better than I do... okay... I wish I could read and understand the instructions better! *wink*

    Crochet... I can manage that!



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