
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Adventures in knitting continue

Knitting this shawl has turned out to be a fun adventure.  I love that the most you are dealing with on the needle at any time is 50 stitches.  If you mess up, easy to just rip and restart.   How do I know this?  In order to put the 4th fan 'block' on (center, top), I had to pick up 50 stitches.  I tried it 4 times before I got it right.

I'll be quite the pro at picking up stitches when this is all done.  Here is a picture after the 5th fan.  I've numbered the order I made each fan block to give a view of the construction.

It took almost a full 50g ball to make the 5 fan blocks.  I like the fact that with this project is I should be able to clearly estimate whether or not I will have enough yarn.

Now what does any quilter who likes to knit really need?  Why a quilted knitting bag of course!  I used some scraps from Fig Tree California Girl fabric and did a bit of FMQ practice.  It is lined with a shade of Bella blue - not sure what the color is called.  (Based loosely on this tutorial.)

I am linking up this finish at Such a Sew and Sew.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Wow, you're going full steam ahead with teh knitting! I think even 50 stitches is too many for me. Love the knitting bag, that fabric is gorgeous.

  2. What a cute little bag! I love the pretty fabrics! That is so perfect! And I can't wait to see that amazing shawl finished. I tried knitting once. I just don't think I inherited the gene. Anyway, great job with the bag. Thank you for linking up!

    xo -E


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